
Showing posts from June, 2020

My July YouTube Challenge! Post 7 videos a day

My July YouTube Challenge! Post 7 videos a day Behold, my Secret July YouTube Challenge! Would it be possible to to post 7 videos per day? #July2020 #YouTube #JulyChallenge #Faith #QuestionOfTheDay #Linkedin #Relationships #Spoon #ThoughtsOfTheDay #ClashRoyale #YouTubeChallenge #YouTube #deardanielim

i am INFJ

i am INFJ " Each of the four letters of the INFJ code signifies a key personality trait of this type. INFJs are energized by time alone (Introverted), focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (iNtuitive), make decisions based on feelings and values (Feeling) and prefer to be planned and organized rather than spontaneous and flexible (Judging). " Source:

i am INFJ

i am INFJ " Each of the four letters of the INFJ code signifies a key personality trait of this type. INFJs are energized by time alone (Introverted), focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (iNtuitive), make decisions based on feelings and values (Feeling) and prefer to be planned and organized rather than spontaneous and flexible (Judging). " Source:

i am INFJ

i am INFJ " Each of the four letters of the INFJ code signifies a key personality trait of this type. INFJs are energized by time alone (Introverted), focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (iNtuitive), make decisions based on feelings and values (Feeling) and prefer to be planned and organized rather than spontaneous and flexible (Judging). " Source:

Destiny 2: Season Of The Arrivals Casual Play-through | Day 6 - Part 2

Destiny 2: Season Of The Arrivals Casual Play-through | Day 6 - Part 2 #destiny2 #destiny #PC #bungie #xbox #shadowkeep #destinythegame #forsaken #gamer #destiny2thegame #crucible #hunter #gaming #titan #warlock #playstation #pvp #twitch #deardanielim #thegame #memes #cayde #destinymemes #bungiedestiny #videogames #d2 #ironbanner #deardaniel #gambit #destinyplayers #destiny2players [Premiere in progress!] Destiny 2: Season Of The Arrivals Casual Play-through | Day 6 - Part 2 --->

The Complete Story of Destiny: From Hive Origins to Shadow Keep - 2/2

The Complete Story of Destiny: From Hive Origins to Shadow Keep - 2/2 The Complete Story of Destiny: From Hive Origins to Shadow Keep - 2/2 will be premiering at 15:30 Eastern Time Zone [FYI: 15:30 is 3:30 PM (Today)] ​Here's the Link to The Complete Story of Destiny: From Hive Origins to Shadow Keep - 2/2: @DearDanieLim #DearDanieLim

The Complete Story of Destiny: From Hive Origins to Shadow Keep - 2/2

The Complete Story of Destiny: From Hive Origins to Shadow Keep - 2/2 The Complete Story of Destiny: From Hive Origins to Shadow Keep - 2/2 will be premiering at 15:30 Eastern Time Zone [FYI: 15:30 is 3:30 PM (Today)] ​Here's the Link to The Complete Story of Destiny: From Hive Origins to Shadow Keep - 2/2: @DearDanieLim #DearDanieLim

The Complete Story of Destiny: From Hive Origins to Shadow Keep - 1/2

The Complete Story of Destiny: From Hive Origins to Shadow Keep - 1/2 Discover the Complete Story of Destiny: From Hive Origins to Shadow Keep - 1/2 -- For more:

Destiny 2: Season Of The Arrivals Casual Play-through | Day 4 - Part 2

Destiny 2: Season Of The Arrivals Casual Play-through | Day 4 - Part 2

Destiny 2: Season 11 - Day 1 - Part 2

Destiny 2: Season 11 - Day 1 - Part 2 Destiny 2: Season Of The Arrivals Casual Playthrough | Day 1 - Part 2 ... I'll be posting a new video each day, so you too may follow along as I play thru the 11th season of Destiny 2! #deardanielim #deardanielimplays | Day 1 - Part 2

Destiny 2: Season 11 - Day 1 - Part 1 | #deardanielim #deardanielimplays

Destiny 2: Season 11 - Day 1 - Part 1 Destiny 2: Season 11 - Day 1 - Part 1 | @deardanielim | #deardanielim #deardanielimplays